Pride Foundation Australia Grants Program
September 21st, 2022
The Pride Foundation Australia Small Grants program will invest in projects that benefit either LGBTQIA+ individuals or community or strengthen LGBTQIA+ organisational capacity. The Small Grants program supports projects proposed by individuals and or organisations and or communities who would otherwise be limited by the constraints of other funding programs.
The Foundation will invest up to $750 in funding towards your community event, project, or towards building capacity for your grass roots organisation. Applications must be submitted via Australian Communities Foundation’s grants portal using access code: PFASGP2023.
Pride Foundation Australia are the only philanthropic organisation providing small funds to grassroots community organisations that improve the resources and connection for the LGBTQIA+ community
Read more: For eligibility criteria, how to apply and the Application Form, visit the Pride Foundation Australia website.
Applications close: Tuesday 7 March 2023.