Overall Winner 2016 NSW Volunteer of the Year – Dr David Digges
December 5th, 2016
After volunteering in East Timor David Digges realised there were also many needy people in his homeland. Encouraging his fellow dentists to become members of the National Dental Foundation, Dr Digges tells them: When you reach out to help people you not only relieve their pain and improve their health, you’re rekindling their faith in humanity and encouraging them to try again. You can help restore dignity and future hope for a balanced life.
Recognising that his individual pro bono services would be a small part of the unmet need for dental services Dr Digges threw himself into establishing the NDF, a national network of dental and allied services. The NDF work with local community groups across the country – all referrals to pro bono dentists come from local charities to ensure that the most in need are seen in order of priority.
For the complete list of NSW Volunteer of the Year Award winners for 2016 visit our media release