The Centre for Volunteering offers a range of workshops and presentations to suit the professional development requirements of your team, your organisation and your volunteers. We also offer customised presentations for conferences and events.
Workshops and presentations can be delivered either online or in-person, based on your needs and available resources.
Below is a sample of The Centre’s offerings. For inquiries regarding bespoke training tailored to support volunteers and volunteer involving organisations, please contact us for a free consultation.
2024-25 Pricing
Prices include session delivery with limited customisation. Substantial customisation will incur an additional cost.
Where costs are incurred by The Centre for travel and accommodation, additional charges will apply.
Workshop/Presentation | Duration | Member (ex GST) | Non-Member (ex GST) |
Introduction to Volunteering | 60 minutes | $0 | $200 |
Volunteer Ready | Half Day | $1200 | $1500 |
Volunteer Leader Ready | Full Day | $2400 | $3000 |
Volunteering Through a Different Lens | 90 minutes | $800 | $1000 |
The State of Volunteering in NSW | 30 minutes | $255 | $300 |
Rethinking Volunteer Recruitment | 45 minutes | $425 | $500 |
Rethinking Volunteer Roles | 45 minutes | $425 | $500 |
Rethinking Volunteer Recognition and Retention | 45 minutes | $425 | $500 |
Diversity and Inclusion in Volunteering | 45 minutes | $425 | $500 |
For all your workshop and training requirements, please contact:
Clint Bertenshaw
Director: Sector Development and Engagement
Email: cbertenshaw@volunteering.com.au
Phone: 02 8295 7041
Workshop and Presentation Overviews
Custom Introduction to Volunteering Workshop
Would your school, organisation or community group like to receive more information on volunteering? Introduce them to the benefits of volunteering with an engaging workshop offered by your State Peak Body.
The Centre for Volunteering provides bespoke introductory workshops, adapted to the needs and interests of your team or volunteer program. These workshops can be presented online or in person according to your requirements. The subjects covered include:
- best practice guidance on how to get involved,
- considerations when looking for a role,
- volunteering benefits,
- and much more.
Learn more about the Custom Introduction to Volunteering workshops.
Volunteer Ready
In this half-day workshop, volunteers will learn how to be an effective and efficient volunteer within your organisation. This session can be delivered as part of your volunteer onboarding program and may supplement your organisation’s policies, procedures and role specific training.
Topics Include:
- Understanding Volunteering
- Diversity and Inclusion in Volunteering
- Being an Effective Volunteer
- Commitment to Role and Working Efficiently
- Ethics, Privacy and Confidentiality
- WH&S and Duty of Care
- Working in a Team
- Effective Communication
- Dealing with Conflict
- Access and Available Support
Volunteer Leader Ready
Built on volunteer management best practices and aligned to the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, this full day workshop will provide your current and aspiring volunteer leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to lead your volunteering programs.
Topics include:
- Understanding Volunteering
- Volunteer Program Development
- Volunteer Recruitment and Onboarding
- Volunteer Management and Support
- Leadership Skills
- Team Management
- Effective Communication
- Performance Management
- Volunteer Support
- Volunteer Recognition
- Diversity and Inclusion in Volunteering
Volunteering Through a Different Lens
The ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on the volunteering sector are well-known, but they don’t have to limit the success of your volunteering program. By looking at these issues through a different lens, you can turn these challenges into opportunities, ultimately rebuilding stronger and more sustainable programs.
In this presentation you will gain valuable insights, and discover pragmatic approaches to:
- embracing volunteer motivations while addressing known barriers to volunteering
- rethinking volunteer roles and programs for greater flexibility and sustainability
- revising volunteer recruitment and engagement strategies to attract a greater pool of volunteers.
To support these concepts, volunteer leaders are shown how to engage with the suite of free tools and resources available through the national Knowledge Base.
Rethinking Volunteering Series (Recruitment, Roles, Recognition and Retention)
Gain valuable insights into essential aspects of the volunteer involvement lifecycle from a fresh perspective. Based on data gathered from the 2023 NSW State of Volunteering Report, these workshops offer practical strategies to help you review and enhance your volunteering programs.
Diversity and Inclusion in Volunteering
Fostering a diverse and inclusive volunteering program and organisational culture will not only expand your pool of volunteers, but also allows your volunteering program to benefit from a variety of skills, ideas, and experiences.
Learn more about diversity and inclusion; how to identify and overcome unconscious bias; and how to make reasonable adjustments to your workplace and volunteer roles while championing a positive and inclusive culture.
State of Volunteering in NSW
This presentation explores key insights from the 2023 NSW State of Volunteering Report. You will learn about the value of volunteering; motivations and barriers to volunteering; and current trends in the types of volunteering being pursued across the state.
This presentation can be tailored to include key findings from the 2024 NSW State of Volunteering Supplementary Reports, and the NSW Volunteering Strategy and Charter.