Overall Winner – 2014 Volunteer of the Year – Sydney Hornsby North West

Emily Smith of North Epping who Volunteers with Girl Guides Australia: Girl Guides NSW & ACT

Emily Smith (left) & Gemma Rygate (right)

Emily Smith (left) & Gemma Rygate (right)

Emily joined Girl Guides at 8 years old and has been volunteering for 15 years. Working directly with her community, Emily is a Unit Leader of 4th North Epping Girl Guides and has been appointed to the executive of Girl Guides NSW & ACT as the State Advocacy Liaison.

Emily is working on campaign projects around gender-based violence, body image, self- esteem and disabilities. These projects engage local communities across NSW and are sparking change. Emily also represents Girl Guides Australia on The Australian Coalition of Civil Society Organisations on Women, Peace and Security. Emily has already won a number a community awards. In November 2008 she was awarded a Medallion for Service to the Community by the Order of Australia.

2014 Student Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Mr Aidan Fisher of Epping

Aiden Fisher (left)

Aiden Fisher (left)

Aidan is highly involved in volunteering and organising community events, and his volunteer work has addressed many youth issues identified in the Ryde area. Aidan was the lead event organiser for the Ryde Youth Summit which was the largest youth-focused event Ryde has ever delivered, aiming to empower young people in tackling issues such as mental health and substance abuse. Currently Aidan is working on the Ryde Apprenticeship and Traineeship Expo which aims to reduce youth unemployment. Aidan has exemplified excellent leadership and initiative and regularly participates in governmental consultations regarding young people which have allowed departments such as NSW Health to better address the needs of young people.

2014 Youth Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Emily Smith of North Epping who Volunteers with Girl Guides Australia: Girl Guides NSW & ACT

Please see Overall Winner for description

2014 Adult Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Mr Jeffrey Cottrell of Baulkham Hills

Jeffrey Cottrell (left) & State MP Baulkham Hills, Mr Daivd Elliot (right)

Jeffrey Cottrell (left) & State MP Baulkham Hills, Mr Daivd Elliot (right)

Jeffrey has volunteered with Willow Warriors for 15 years. He is passionate about environmental conservation, and as one of the founding members of Friends of the Colo, a community-based conservation group formed in 2000. Jeff took his skills state wide and created Willow Warriors environmental volunteering. Jeffrey is generous, positive and patient with everyone he works with, and thanks to Jeff, over 5000 volunteer hours per year are given to the environment. To cover the cost of running Willow Warriors he has also been involved in securing grant funding to allow these important environmental activities to continue.

2014 Senior Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Dr Frank Kelleher of North Richmond

Frank joined Kurrajong Pony Club in 1981, and has contributed over 30 years of volunteer service. Frank has been the Pony Club NSW State Vice-President for 2 years now, and most recently has been instrumental in developing the successful protocol and testing procedures to ensure that all horses attending the 2014 State Championships are vaccinated against Hendra Virus, which is a horse and human risk management issue. Frank has contributed countless hours to the local communities he has been involved in, enhancing community spirit, family participation, and encouraging youth, participation in equestrian sport and horse welfare.

2014 Volunteer Team of the Year

Winner: Arcadia Public School 120 Year Proudly Arcadian Committee Team

State MP Hawkesbury, Ray Williams (left), Arcadia Team (centre) & State MP Hornsby, Matt Kean (right)

State MP Hawkesbury, Ray Williams (left), Arcadia Team (centre) & State MP Hornsby, Matt Kean (right)

Founded in 1894, Arcadia is a small rural community with a population of only 1305. The Proudly Arcadian 120th Committee was formed to record historical events. Research enabled a 120 paged book ‘Proudly Arcadian 120 years’ to be written and a website to be launched, arcadiahistory.com.au. Time spent by the committee is over 2,000 hours to date. Proudly Arcadian 120th committee is special group of individuals whose commitment to preserving the proud heritage of Arcadia which should be commended. The major benefit has been to help save the heritage of the small community for future generations to enjoy.

Honour Roll of Nominees

2014 Student Volunteer of the Year

  • Harry Gibbons of Mt Cola volunteers for Legacy.
  • Emily Smith of North Epping, volunteers for Girl Guides Australia: Girl Guides NSW & ACT.

2014 Adult Volunteer of the Year

  • Mandie Hawley of Glossodia volunteers for Camp Quality.
  • Lawrence Kenny of Baulkham Hills volunteers for North West Disability Services.
  • Hea Chan Kim of Cherrybrook volunteers for Catholic Community Services.
  • Shirley Platt of Doonside volunteers for North West Disability Services.
  • Rama Ramakrishnan of Quakers Hill volunteers for Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.
  • Mark Rushton of Mt Colah volunteers for Blowfly Cricket.

2014 Senior Volunteer of the Year

  • Geoffrey Benoit of Baulkham Hills volunteers for Hills Community Care.
  • Margaret Benoit of Baulkham Hills volunteers for Hills Community Care.
  • Marie Cheal of ASQUITH volunteers for Lifeline.
  • Donald MacDonald of Bella Vista volunteers for Hills Community Care.
  • Helen MacDonald of Bella Vista volunteers for Hills Community Care.
  • Jean Moore of Waitara volunteers for Salvation Army.
  • Philip Nicholls of Hornsby voluteers for Easy Care Gardening Inc.
  • Robert Page of Wahroonga volunteers for Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury.
  • David Pickering of Eastwood volunteers for Christian Community Aid.
  • Shirley Rodgers of Baulkham Hills volunteers for Hills Community Care.

2014 Volunteer Team of the Year

  • Amanda Bowles for the Bears of Hope Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Team.
  • Hayden Tonazzi for the 2014 Epping Boys High School Prefect Body Team.