Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) report explores a range of issues associated with gender-based violence and its impacts on young women and non-binary people.

The project was intentionally designed to amplify the voices of those young women and non-binary people who tend to be under- represented in traditional policy settings. The two key elements of the project included the survey and the forum.

The AWAVA 2021 survey yielded unique aggregate information. The subsequent community forum hosted by AWAVA and the National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance (NATSIWA) served to add depth to understandings, particularly around people’s experiences.

The report introduces new ways to understand both interpersonal and structural experiences of diverse forms of violence, relying on first-hand accounts from young people living in a range of circumstances across Australia. Importantly, the report captures what justice means to young victim-survivors – a question that is rarely asked.

Download the report or access the report launch webinar 
