Louise Geoghegan, from FOLD7, believes that change can be done in a more respectful. Whilst most changes are hard, when leaders know how to influence their people in a respectful and considered way, changes can be surprisingly easier to manage. But it’s not just luck, or because you get on with people! Louise understands all that goes into leading and managing change. One of the most important aspects of successfully navigating change is active and visible leadership.
Before FOLD7, Louise had been consulting and facilitating in the learning and organisational development, change leadership and communication space for over 20 years. And before that, a teacher.
A country girl at heart, her down-to-earth style comes through in everything she does. Most of her spare time is spent cycling and researching where to find the best coffee in Sydney.
Session: Your role as a leader to influence others through change
Imagine you are asked to deliver or implement a change where you will be impacted as much as your team. What would your reaction be? What questions would you have? What would you say? What would you do? What would your internal dialogue be? What would you be noticing about your colleagues and teams, and their reactions to the change? Would you be energised, or perhaps find yourself without any energy or motivation?
This situation, or ones like it, is quite common in today’s world, and it can shake us and make us question our ability or being a leader. Finding ways to be resilient then influential in the face of this kind of major change is critical. Using facts or logic alone doesn’t work. Nor does the “do as I say…” approach. This is because people form opinions based on emotions, such as fear, contempt, and anger, rather than relying on facts. New facts often do not change people’s minds.
In this short session, Louise Geoghegan from FOLD7 will share with you why we resist facts that contradict our beliefs and what we can do when we need to influence and lead others. She will share with you a framework to help build your skills to connect with people and influence outcomes, provide an understanding of what is resilience and why it’s important, a framework for helping us find ways to have a growth mindset, and how we connect with those who may disagree with us.
Learning Outcomes:
- Introduce the emotional wave of change as a framework for understanding people’s motivations and drivers
- Assess individual’s attitude to change and explore techniques for responding with a growth mindset
- Build understanding of how thinking drives behaviour and how to reframe thinking for a different outcome
- Explore factors that contribute to personal resilience through change: awareness and the ability to reduce stress.
- Gain insights that build change resilient teams