Up to $500,000 in funding is available for new Volunteering Diversity and Inclusion projects to commence in 2023.

The Volunteering Diversity and Inclusion grants program provides one-off, time-limited grants between $10,000 and $25,000 to eligible volunteer involving organisations and Local Councils for projects that grow participation in volunteering by diverse community groups in NSW.

This is a new grants program is a pilot initiative under the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2020-2030 and focuses on developing diversity and inclusion in volunteering across NSW. 

Applicants are advised to read the Program Guidelines carefully before completing an application, which are submitted via the Department of Communities and Justice’s SmartyGrants platform.

To learn more about this opportunity, eligibility and how to apply, visit the NSW Volunteering Diversity and Inclusion grants program website or reach out to the Department of Communities and Justice email.

Applications close: Monday 6 March (5pm). 
