The SilverChef Community Grants Program is open to registered charities, social enterprises and private entities whose mission includes helping isadvantaged members of their local community with their services. Each quarter SilverChef invite eligible community group specifically those who use hospitality to support disadvantaged or underserved communities to apply. They offer funding of up to $5,000, with a 75:25 mix of equipment and cash.

The SilverChef Community Grants supports groups like these:

  • registered charities and not-for-profits
  • social enterprises (direct-benefit, cross-subsidy, or donation model)
  • private entities with an ABN for which improving the lives of Indigenous people accounts for more than 50% of their time and/or resources.

The four funding rounds occur as follows:

Applications open
Applications close
1 July
30 September
1 October
31 December
1 January
31 March
1 April
30 June

Unsuccessful applications will automatically be reconsidered in the subsequent funding rounds in the same financial year, unless the applicant tells us otherwise.

After you submit your grant application, we’ll assess it against our selection criteria, including how your initiative will positively impact your local community. If your application is successful, we’ll contact you within one month of applications closing (see table above). Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

Applications close Friday 30 June. For more information, visit the SilverChef website.
