Pride Foundation Australia Small Grants Program
June 28th, 2023
The Pride Foundation Australia Small Grants program supports projects proposed by individuals, organisations, or communities who would otherwise be limited by the constraints of other funding programs.
Eligible activities include:
The maximum grant has been increased to $1000 in 2022, and there will be more grants awarded (if successful) each round. The project needs to directly or indirectly assist, involve and benefit LGBTQIA+ people and promote positive social outcomes and mental health in the community.
We welcome applications that are particularly creative and innovative, and those that are put forward by individuals, communities and organisations that have not received small grant funding in the previous 2 years. We regard favourably projects that work as partnerships between individuals and organisations.
The Small Grants Program is open all year round with particular cut-off dates throughout the year for assessment purposes. If an Application is received after the cut-off date, it will be assessed in the next round.
Round 2 closing Monday 17 July. Find out more on the Pride Australia website.