The Centre for Volunteering has teamed up with the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) to celebrate volunteering, and the value it brings, with new audiences. 

We value the knowledge and experience of community partners, which is why we’re thrilled to be announcing an exciting new venture with the trusted champions of community radio, CBAA.

Embracing genuine collaboration and camaraderie, this partnership will serve to highlight volunteering opportunities while supporting our dedicated community broadcasters and the sector at large.

Volunteers are vital to community broadcasting,” says CEO Jon Bisset from the CBAA, speaking to the over 18,500 volunteers in the sector. “Without them, community broadcasting would not enjoy its position as a source of news, music and culture for audiences that lack a voice in the mainstream.”

Through this ongoing partnership, The Centre will provide tailored support, designed to empower community radio stations to manage their volunteers and navgiate day-to-date operational challenges. This includes access to an extensive range of services and resources such as our Volunteer  Manager Helpdesk, webinars, eLearning materials and more.

To surmise, The Centre “will be key in ensuring that broadcasters can make the most of their relationships with their volunteers,” says Bisset, “and that community broadcasting will remain a rich, diverse and resilient sector.”

In return, we’re delighted to be working with the CBAA to share updates on our flagship recognition program, the NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards (currently in full swing – cast your nominations before 5pm Friday 16 June), as well as our free support service, Find a Volunteer Role search platform.

For our part, “The Centre for Volunteering is thrilled to work with the CBAA,” says our very own CEO Gemma. “We look forward to working with them to ensure better outcomes for community broadcasters and their volunteers alike.”


About the Community Broadcasting Association Australia (CBAA)

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) is a leading member based, for purpose organisation. CBAA provides programs and services that aim to strengthen over 450 community radio, local and independent media organisations.

With almost five million listeners each week, community radio plays a vital role in providing a voice for multicultural, First Nations and other underrepresented groups, as well as supporting independent and emerging musicians, and communities not adequately serviced by other media services.

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