Measuring Impact and Value

are looking to understand how to measure and communicate their impact and value
to society. Our presentation will overview the key steps involved and we will
share some of the lessons learned and insights gathered over the years we have
spent undertaking these kinds of studies.  


Jeremy Thorpe is PwC’s chief economist and a Partner in the Economics and Policy team. Jeremy oversees work with a broad spectrum of non-profits, corporates and governments, providing advice on how economic and social value or impact is measured and most effectively articulated. 

Jen Vo-Phuoc is a director in PwC’s Economics and Policy team. She is passionate about social policy and keeps her focus on the disability sector, in population health and on her work with Australia’s non-profit sector, having worked with organisations including Starlight Foundation, Little Wings, Special Olympics Australia, PANDSI and the Fred Hollows Foundation.
