Presentation Title: Embedding Child Safe Cultures in Organisations

We all want out children to be safe through all their
day-to-day activities.   We each have a
part to play in achieving this. Hear how to make your volunteer organisations
child-safe by creating a culture of child safety into the things you do every
day.  Some of the ways to so this include
listening to children and young people, screening workers and volunteers and
supporting workers and volunteers with resources and training.

The Office of the Children’s Guardian has recently completed
public consultation on making the Royal Commission’s 10 Child Safe Standards
compulsory and we are looking at how we regulate these standards.  We know that child-related organisations come
in all sizes and have different capacity to implement standards.  Find out how we want to regulate flexibly,
and how you’ll be supported with resources to help get ready for, and
implement, the Child Safe Standards in NSW.


Janet Schorer is The Children’s Guardian in NSW. 

Janet began her career as a nurse with The Children’s Hospital at
Westmead, before gaining qualifications as a child and adolescent
psychologist.  Moving to the Department
of Family and Community Services, she worked in case management combined with
nursing and psychology support for people with disability and in child
protection.  The next few years saw a
gradual shift from case work to policy and program management leading to her
appointment as Director of the Director General’s Office, Family and Community

In 2014, Janet was appointed Executive Director of the NDIS Reform
Group for the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and led the Commonwealth
negotiations and transition to the NDIS across NSW Government.

From her experience in caring directly for children and adults, and in
designing and running care programs , Janet has seen how they both intersect –
to be effective, good programs and systems need good people, and good people
need good programs and systems.  As
Children’s Guardian, Janet aims to build on the strengths of the networks of
care that support children and young people in NSW so that they receive the
best quality care and support throughout their young lives.
