NSW Volunteerin

About Kellie May

Ms May has been involved in the implementation of the NSW Government’s volunteering strategies since 2016. During this time, she has been responsible for the implementation of a range of initiatives including volunteer recruitment initiatives, promotion campaigns, and volunteer recognition programs.

Kellie May Biography

Ms May led the development of the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2020-2030, where she worked in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure the voices of the sector were reflected in the Strategy.

Ms May is intrinsically involved in the implementation of the NSW State of Volunteering Research Initiative and the NSW Volunteering Taskforce as Secretariat. 

With over two decades experience in community focused development, Ms May lead the development of the NSW Volunteer Charter, and the NSW Youth Volunteering Guidelines. Ms May is also a volunteer herself, with experience as a sport-based volunteer and emergency services  volunteer in both metropolitan Sydney and regional NSW. 

