Health Education Sessions for Seniors
July 25th, 2022
The Health Promotion Service for Older People by the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW Inc. (CPSA) provides free monthly online and face-to-face Health Education Sessions for seniors.
The list of the planned sessions for August are available on the CPSA’s website.
If you or your clients would like to attend a free zoom session/s, please register by clicking on the “Register your Interest” button on the form on the CPSA website.
You can also find the date for each zoom session and register by sending an email to
All the upcoming zoom health education sessions are also on CPSA’s Facebook page.
For the zoom and face-to-face sessions or if you have any queries, please contact the Coordinator, Health Promotion Services for Older People, CPSA on 0404 548 063 or email at