Images from the 2015 Volunteer of the Year Awards, held at 99 on York on Friday, December 4 2015.
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NSW Minister for Multiculturalism, Hon. John Ajaka MLC, with Founder of Blowfly Cricket (centre), Mark Rushton (left) and Blowfly Cricket Team.
Pictured: Mark Rushton
Volunteer of the Year Award Acceptance
Volunteer of the Year Award Acceptance
from l-r: Hon. John Ajaka MLC; Paula Duncan AM, Mark Rushton
Volunteer of the Year Award Presentation
The Holocaust Survivor Volunteer Guides with NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Mr John Ajaka
The Holocaust Survivor Volunteer Guides, Sydney Jewish Museum
The Holocaust Survivor Volunteer Guides, Sydney Jewish Museum acceptance speech
from l-r: Eleanor Blows, Mary Leehane, NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Mr John Ajaka, Karen Kemp, and Gemma Rygate
Pictured: Eleanor Blows
from l-r: Hon. John Ajaka MLC and Eleanor Blow
from l-r: Eleanor Blows, David Abrahams and Paula Duncan AM
from l-r: Karen Lindley, Mark Rushton, Paula Duncan AM
Team from Sailors with disABILITIES with Gemma Rygate (standing) and Hon. John Ajaka MLC (seated)
Team from Sailors with disABILITIES
Team from Sailors with disABILITIES (Winds of Change & Joy team) with Martin Wren (2nd from left), CEO NOVA Employement and Paula Duncan AM (centre)
Team from digiVol working with The Australian Museum, Sydney
Team frm DigiVol, Australian Museum with Hon. John Ajaka MLC and Gemma Rygate
Team from DigiVol, Australian Museum and Paula Duncan
from l-r: Joshua Osborne , Emily Smith
Pictured: Joshua Osborne
Presentation to Joshua Osbourne (left) from Emily Smith (centre) and Paula Duncan AM (right).
From l-r: Tegan Butts, Hon. John Ajaka MLC
Pictured: Tegan Butts
Representatives from NSW Ambulance with Tegan Butts (centre)
The Atlassian Foundation
The Atlassian Foundation with Hon. John Ajaka MLC
Corporate Volunteer of the Year – Melissa Booth of Surgical Specialities for Cerebal Palsy Alliance
Team Atlassian with Good 360 Australia representative and Paula Duncan AM.
Melissa Booth of Surgical Specialities – 2015 Corporate Volunteer of the Year
from l-r: Melissa Booth and Hon. John Ajaka MLC